The Big D.
Data, on its own, is inherently boring!
There’s nothing particularly special about a single Date, a single Purchase or a User’s Login Name. To find meaning and value, we need more, we need bulk data and structured data. You see it’s the patterns in bulk data, the trends, the forecasts, the groups and collections that really provide meaning, substance and most importantly, value.

To really get something valuable out of Your Data, something that You can use as a tool to guide and shape your businesses future, you will first need structure. You need Your Data to be lean, clean and arranged in the most accessible way possible, you need a structured database.
Structural Integrity

Databases are designed to be queried, that is, databases are designed to answer your questions about Your Data efficiently. There are a few different types of databases and usually a “Relational” Database will provide the most robust solution.
A Relational Database is a way of connecting one set of structured data to another, creating a web like structure and further enhancing the information’s relevance to the data. This is primarily what we do here at ProcessIT. Taking in Customers paper systems or outdated software and rebuilding it, structuring it within a Relational Database and providing an interface to view, edit, update and manage Your Data, customised to YOUR individual needs.
This is where it gets interesting, as once You have enough structured data, you are in a powerful position to analyse and engage with Your Data quickly and effectively. Speed and accuracy are tools you can’t afford to live without in a business world and like a data ‘God’, You can shape Your questions and mould value into Your reports, dashboards, graphs and lists. No more waiting for Your reports to be compiled by hand, just click a button to see instant Live details!
Insight is a powerful thing and it comes from big, beautifully accessible and accurate data.
You see data on its own is inherently boring. Big Data is beautiful.
Contact ProcessIT today to start your Big Data collection journey.
Tech Tip:
This tech tip is a short montage of things we at ProcessIT can do to help you with in Your Business.
- Data Analysis – Your data is hiding insights from You! Let us show you what your missing out on.
- Database Design – If your data is hard to find in a pinch or you are stuck with Excel Nightmares? Then we can help with a new Data Structure, Screen layouts and Business Logic.
- Data Conversion – Are you in need of help formatting a large data set to very specific conditions?
- Process Analysis – Need a detailed, documented plan for improving or refining your business process?
- Excel Automation – Sick of manually updating your spreadsheets? Making Frustrating Mistakes that waste time?, Save Time Now with a ‘magic’ button that does all that for you?
- New Custom-built Software – Does your business need its own personalised software? Nothing off-the-shelf suits your needs? Give us a call and we will walk you through the process of creating a unique custom fit application to suit Your Business needs and processes with a FREE Initial Consultation.
James Dickinson and Brian Henderson.
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