Hear from Our Clients
Don't just take our word for it, here are the thoughts of just a few of our many clients.
" Process IT upgraded our primary Client and Debtor management tracking system to include integrated email functions. The time saving have been amazing and more than justified the outlay. Previously after sending printed paper based Letters and Reports, we then had to individually email the same –now we simply click to send the same documents (letter and email) at the same time, the emails being complete with the letter formatting even though it is an email, via Outlook. The savings on time alone have made it well worthwhile as well as the ease of management of our base documents for we do not have to have 2 base documents for the two different mediums of letter and email, rather we use the same single base. An unexpected bonus is the almost instantaneous contact and quick replies that enable issues to be resolved very quickly. ProcessIT quickly understood our needs and customised our system in many places astounding staff with the simplicity while making it faster to follow up. New messages automatically fill in email addresses and related client information - It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it works!"
- John Thompson
Account Collections New Zealand
" We have used ProcessIT for a number of custom applications within our business, particularly when we want to take something off a spreadsheet and into a database that has better protection in place (to be read eliminating user errors) and easier reporting functions. We have found them to be pleasant to deal with, reasonably priced, responsive and the applications do what we want.
- Mark Hamilton
Managing Director
Alexander Construction
" Thank you for what you have done for us over the years. The work you have done made a big difference in how we ran our business. Your service was excellent and appreciated. We have not been easy customers I know but we would always had the square hole and round peg, that is when you jump into legacy work. Again thank you.
- Herbert Leijen
Director | Product Engineer | R&D
" Brian’s upgrade work on our critical database has been a saviour. His methodical approach, lateral thinking, perseverance and attention to detail have meant that a database that was struggling to perform for us has been transformed into a database capable of being worked successfully and accurately by all. Beyond actual programming and development, Brian has been instrumental in suggesting practical improvements and innovative solutions to areas under consideration. This has resulted in an earlier than scheduled implementation of database facilities."
- Russell Perry
IT Support Coordinator,
Flaxmere Project.
" Brian has a particularly high level of skill in developing Microsoft Access databases. He is very good at generating innovative ideas and ways of applying this skill when designing and building systems to implement operational processes."
- Andrew Mitchell
Team Leader,
Ericsson Communications Ltd.
" SlottaTime is reliable, compact and easy to use. Without SlottaTime we would need to employ up to two more office staff. It makes the running of our business so simple and allows for an almost paperless office (Greener). SlottaTime takes care of the daily operation of Big John's Services, Teams, Customers, Marketing, Job Booking, Job-Sheet preparing, Invoicing & Statements. And so much more. "
- John Tomlinson,
Owner / Manager
Big John Ltd.
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Who we build for
Our Clients. Their Solutions.
A short list of some of our clients and their respective projects.
(Listed alphabetically)

Manage and enhance an extensive Client and Debtor Management and Tracking system, utilising significant automation via Email, TXT messaging and Word mail-merges with Outlook. Now integrating incoming VoIP phone call Lookup and Client Matching for even greater efficiency.

A forward planning tool, automating Excel, to manage Project requirements and available labour.
A Simple Job Tracking System and a basic time capture system. A cloud based accident Register plus Staff Skills & Training tracking system.

Full Business Custom Solution including: Customer Relationship Manager, Sales, Billing, Inventory, Purchasing, Ledger and more...

SlottaTime Work Scheduling Application includes Full Staff Scheduling, Sales, Inventory Management, Maps, Billing, Customer Relationship Manager, Document Management and more...

A full Project Management System including Clients, Projects, Quoting and Scheduling with Gantt charts built to meet the specific business needs of Design Builders group nationwide.

Auckland based Espresso Engineers use Espresso Service Manager - Custom Software by ProcessIT that provides full tracking of all Coffee Machine Maintenance Schedules and Faults throughout New Zealand. It tracks Parts Required and Service Technicians assigned to repair or maintain them, response times and much more.

Various systems, including Community Services Rental Property Management.

Membership Manager database.

A Nursery Management System, P.L.A.N.T.S. -Plant Location And Nursery Tracking System; For Tracking and maintaining plant location, life cycles, sprays applied, orders and deliveries. P.L.A.N.T.S. features a Graphical Birds Eye view of stock in the Nursery.

A.C.E.A - Annual Client Estimate Application; A system to simplify and manage Client Quoting based on previous work and expected future work. Interfaces with Xero Practice Manager and various other systems to produce a formatted draft Quotation for approval.

P.E.T.S. -Patton Engineering Time System: Custom Software integrating Microsoft SQL Server Database and Advanced Automation / Macro programming of Microsoft Excel. Providing Quoting and calculation tools including full Time-Capture and analysis of Budgeted versus Actual on Projects down to Component level. PLUS a Cutting Optimiser that minimises wasteage by calculating the most efficient fit of Components into available Stock Lengths.
A Soil Fertiliser Calculation System which calculates recommended fertilisers to improve soil conditions. Updated QLabs pre-existing and outdated Access 95 system to a smart modern user interface.
Wilton Joubert Consulting Engineers - Enhanced and maintain their pre-existing Job Management and Progress Tracking software with billing and analysis. Enhanced reporting, new Search features, wider smart modern form layouts, new data fields and more.

Waipukurau Computer Services; Excel Automation of Job and Invoicing system.
It's your turn
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Save your company time, energy, effort, and ultimately money. Get off that paper trail, those overloaded spreadsheets or that outdated system.
What you really need is a custom system designed with your organisations core needs at its heart.