Gaining New Customers
How do you gain new Customers? Cold Calling? Direct Marketing? Mass-media Advertising? There are so many choices and options!
The secret to choosing the best option for you is to study your success rates or conversion rates. To help you boost your conversion rates you can use software to manage and track your Sales Funnel from identifying Suspects (possible Clients), Leads (established contacts) and existing Customers. This is the Focus of this Newsletter (and a huge amount of our development time).
We are pleased to announce the Availability of our newly enhanced CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) and Sales Driver – LEADS 4.
Our classic CRM (Contact Relationship Manager) -LEADS, has been enhanced, fully re-worked and is now available in two forms, -Standard and the much-enhanced Pro.
LEADS PRO offers full enterprise wide sharing of data, as well as remote off-line operations with full synchronisation, utilising both a local database and a Microsoft Azure Cloud Database. This enables your Sales Team to take their Windows Laptops and Tablets on the road and have full access to all your Companies data, in LEADS, while allowing for edits and updates that can be synchronised and shared with everyone when back in the office or via any handy Wi-Fi / Internet connection.
What does LEADS PRO do for me?
LEADS manages your “Sales Funnel” to help you grow your business and gain new customers. LEADS sales process is partially based on the “Sales Development Programme” developed by Sales Impact Group’s Brett Burgess. This programme emphasises the sales by “Referral” technique.
Sales By Referral
Rather than making hundreds of cold calls resulting in depression and single digit percentage follow-ups, you identify “Suspects” and actively pursue referrals to these via your inner circle of associates or Centres of Influence. We all know that a close colleague recommendation or referral is highly valuable and can achieve better results and much higher sales figures than cold calling could ever do!
LEADS tracks and manages your Suspect list and automates much of the task of seeking referrals, substantially freeing time for the actual sales appointments you gain. Additionally, LEADS has a full Customer activity tracking and reminder system to ensure you never miss that promised appointment.
Campaigns in LEADS Pro
Campaigns allow you to set-up and target groups of Leads or Contacts by Category, Industry, Location etc. so you focus your Sales Staff to work on the priority you have set. You can then track and analyse your Staffs’ performance. Further Insights and graphs of your progress can then be studied.
If you only ever work from the office and don’t need remote data and full synchronisation or Campaigns, then you can use the basic version of LEADS. This will still track the same information and provides most of the same automation.
Free Trial
You can Download LEADS and run it hard for 30 days AT NO COST. Yes, that’s FREE! After the 30 days, there is a $7.00 + GST charge per user per month. Or you can upgrade to LEADS Pro for just $17.77 + GST per user per month.
This newsletter, and most of the previous ones you have received from ProcessIT, are sent via LEADS, linking to and automating Outlook. This keeps all your email in one place -your own mailbox and additionally avoids the need for mass mail providers.
I Need LEADS now! How do I get it?
You can download LEADS from our website at OR contact me for a free demonstration. Additionally, we have a few available spaces in our betta test programme. Please contact us if you are keen to be a tester and willing to provide regular feedback.
Until next time, happy prospecting…
Brian Henderson & James Dickinson
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