ProcessIT Custom Business Software

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What’s the benefit of a Relational Database over one that is not?

Last Updated:4:32 09/10/2019

A Relational Database has the ability to securely manage data in a rules-based and consistent way.

Data Islands

Without relationships the data becomes disjointed and localized creating islands of data that are managed individually and without consequence to other data in other tables.


Without relationships a database loses a level of security where a relationship could have prevented certain users from accessing certain information.

Ease of data retrieval

Related data can be queried by the user to return data from multiple tables very quickly and efficiently.

A single query could return all orders containing a specific type of teddy bear from a specific customer between a date range and in descending order by the colour of the bear!

A non-relational database would have a much more complex query in order to accomplish this.

Data Integrity

A Relational Database ensures data falls within acceptable ranges and that all required data is present.

It validates data ensuring accuracy and consistency. A non-relational database can validate data but not without a layer of queries manually added for each type of data interaction.

For example, If we wanted to update our customers favourite teddy bear in our non-relational database we would need to confirm that the selected teddy bear is indeed a possible selection to begin with by checking for this bear in the Bears table.

In a Relational Database this is already implemented under the hood removing a level of obscurity and possible errors.

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