ProcessIT Custom Business Software

Custom Software Development for Your Business Needs

Microsoft Access Tools

Download ProcessTools 64 Bit

For Access Developers and Access Database Administrators


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If your Free trial Download of ProcessTools does not start automatically please click the button below to get your FREE 30 day trial of ProcessTools now!

A work in progress

Release Candidate

These tools to the best of our knowledge function correctly based on our testing. ProcessTools is finally available after years of development and bug fixing by our very small team. We accept all feedback so let us know of any faults, issues or otherwise and we will promptly work towards creating a better product.

System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1 / 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista.

  • Free Hard Drive Space: ~50MB

  • Microsoft Access 365 (included in Office 365 Professional and Business editions), Access 2019, Access 2016, Access 2013 or Access 2010 -full version


Purchase ProcessTools

Purchase your license of ProcessTools with the button below.

Please retain and enter your receipt number into the payment screen within the ProcessTools Add-In.

Purchasing ProcessTools from within the Add-Ins Payment screen will automatically unlock your application from the trial. However purchasing from any other means may take a few days to process. Once processed your ProcessTools Add-In, if connected to the internet will activate automatically.

How Do I Install the Latest Version?

  1. Close all running instances of Microsoft Access before proceeding.

  2. Once downloaded, right click the file setup-processtools64.Zip and unzip it.

  3. Double click the installer file (SetupProcessTools64.exe) and follow the installation prompts.

  4. Locate the Microsoft ACCESS Icon in your Start Menu or All Apps list.

  5. Right Click on your Microsoft ACCESS Application Icon and select "Run as Administrator"

  6. Open any existing database or a new blank database

  7. From Access's 'Database Tools' tab - 'Add-ins' drop-down select 'Add-in Manager'

  8. Select ProcessTools from the Add-in manager - if not present in the Add-in List then click the 'Add New' button and select 'ProcessTools

  9. Now you should be able to access the Tools in ProcessTools from the Add-Ins Drop Down Menu

Product Activation

ProcessTools Add-In

If you have purchased ProcessTools via this website...

  • You will need the payment ID from PayPal of your purchase.

  • Open the payment screen within the ProcessTools add-in and enter your payment ID.

  • Press the "Order" button and we here at ProcessIT will be notified of your Activation.

  • We will confirm your payment ID and activate your tools.(This may take a day or two if the weekend.)

If you have purchased ProcessTools via the ProcessTools Payment screen...

  • ProcessTools will have attempted to read your payment ID from PayPal.

  • Your tools will have been activated automatically and you should be prompted about this.

Should an unexpected error occur

  • If ProcessTools could not obtain your payment ID and it is not displaying in the payment screen then please copy and paste the payment ID from PayPal and press the Order button.

  • We here at ProcessIT will be notified of your Activation and we will confirm your payment ID and activate your tools.(This may take a day or two if the weekend.)